TeamHope has experience with a variety of Developmental Delays and Early Intervention. TeamHope takes a child centered approach to Language Development. The interventions for communications are influenced by Dr. Stanley Greenspan's DIR/Floortime, Dr. Barry Prizant's SCERT's Model, "Play Therapy" and other child directed methods. Music, Movement and Sensory components are incorporated whenever possible.
When considering Early Intervention Services, families need to consider several factors, including, but not limited to the cost involved.
(Information on the Family Cost Share can be found at
Families should also consider the EI philosophy that guides the services provided.
EI services, which are provided by the State, are not considered therapeutic or rehabilitative in nature. Rather, the NJEI program is a model based on providing family support. Though the costs of these services are often equal to fees charged by clinically based practices, the objectives differ from clinically based practices where the objective is to acquire or restore skill levels to maximize functional outcomes.
Likewise, school based services are based upon academic relevance -- they are required to be "appropriate" to achieving academic outcomes in the classroom.
In addition to differences in service delivery models, parents need to be aware that there are differences in "how much of a problem" is problem enough to be a concern. Both the state and the schools have a rather high bar in determining whether treatment is appropriate or if the problem observed by the parent is "problem enough" to warrant services.
From a clinical perspective, rarely is a delay "just a delay". Parents instructed that the "child will outgrow it" are strongly urged to seek another opinion on their child's circumstances. Children by and large do not "outgrow" their delays without therapy. Delays or disruptions in the sensory motor system have wide reaching impact on children as they develop from infant, to toddler, to preschooler. Though the child may appear to have "outgrown" an earlier identified weakness, more typically what is seen clinically is a child that returns at age 5, 6 or 7 with a "new concern" related to any number of academic or social demands. In the majority of these circumstances the origins of the "new concern" can be traced back to early childhood. When a detailed history is taken from the parent during our consultation process, it is not usual for these children to have received some kind of family support or early intervention during early childhood. For children with a diagnosable condition or syndrome beginning therapeutic, rehabilitative services early can have a tremendous impact in the amount of function and independence in daily living the child will acquire.
TeamHope's expertise in treating children 0-3, offers families a comprehensive, supportive approach in identifying needs. We are uniquely qualified to evaluate parental concerns and council parents on the best course of action to take. In addition we can educate parents on what to expect whether they decide to pursue therapy or if they are more comfortable with a "wait & see" approach. If it is decided that the parents would rather monitor the child's progress TeamHope encourages parents who have gone through our consultative process to provide us with updates regarding their observations.
Overall, it is in the child's best interest for their families to seek therapy earlier rather then later. Appropriate therapy, sought early to help a child restore or acquire optimal functional outcomes, often can decrease the length of time the child will need therapy and can maxmize independence in activities of daily living for children with diagnosable conditions or syndromes.
Additional information may be found at:
The Communications Crossroad website at:
The Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders at: