Feeding & Swallowing Center - The TeamHope Feeding & Swallowing Center focuses on helping the child acquire the skills necessary to become a successful oral feeder. Many factors can create obstacles to a child's acquisition of feeding skills. Children who suffer from dysphagia, or early in life needed a trach/vent often face challenges in the transition to oral feeder. Children diagnosed with syndromes or other challenges may also encounter such difficulty.
For other children feeding disorders can also result from a triad of challenges that include sensory issues, oral motor planning challenges, and behavioral responses. Feeding Therapy can assist the child in being able to tolerate and experience a variety of different food textures and tastes to maintain an adequate intake of nutrition. Feeding Therapy is also beneficial for the child who needs to expand the range of foods they regularly eat. TeamHope's approach to Feeding Therapy often will integrate Oral Motor & Oral Sensory methods, and where appropriate behavioral strategies to promote age appropriate feeding skills. It is not unusual for such children to need Occupational Therapy to address their sensory needs. Feeding Therapy may also focus on assessing how efficient the child is at self feeding and modify any obstacles that hinder the intake of adequate nutrition.